Benefits of Updating an Aging Pool Lighting System

Most older swimming pools typically use incandescent light fixtures with bulbs similar to flood lamps. While this meets your safety needs for illuminating your pool after dark, it does nothing for ambiance and it’s a major drain on your electric usage. Upgrading an old pool lighting system offers many benefits you simply can’t afford to overlook.
Corbin Electrical Service

We Offer

Safety First

At night, a well-lit swimming pool provides a unique atmosphere for all your poolside parties. Lighting is also installed for safety by allowing swimmers and guests to clearly see everything from the pool’s edges all the way to the bottom. The lighting you choose should increase your pool’s safety by not only improving visibility, but also highlighting transitional areas like stairs, diving boards, and water features. Corbin Electrical Services, Inc.’s modern submerged LED pool lights are safe and illuminate the water more effectively than old incandescent bulbs.

Low Electric Usage

Long Life & Limited Maintenance

Aging pool lighting systems come with bulbs rated for about 1,000-2,000 hours of use, but Corbin’s modern pool LED bulbs last much longer than incandescent, halogen or metal halide bulbs. LED bulbs can last up to 50,000 hours! This cuts down on maintenance time and costs by requiring fewer replacements. Plus, LED systems run cool and don’t have any moving parts to maintain, like some fiber optic lighting systems that require a motor and color wheels.

Beautiful Results

In the past, all pool lighting was white, then manufacturers created snap-on lenses to add color to incandescent bulbs. However, this limited color won’t compare to the vibrant colors you’ll discover with LED lights. Corbin Electrical Services, Inc. makes it easy to upgrade with a vast selection of LEDs that fit in niches that formerly housed old incandescent bulbs. Plus, they come in a profusion of colors to enhance your outdoor experience and match a desired theme.

Call on Corbin

Let our friendly staff inspect your pool lighting system and suggest some upgrade options. Our licensed and bonded professional lighting and installation experts understand the unique electrical codes that apply to swimming pools and will work with you to find the best lighting for your needs. Give us a call today and let us illuminate your pool in style!
Corbin Electrical Services, Inc. is Home Depot’s Authorized Service Provider for Generators.
Corbin Electrical Services, Inc.